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About Us

At Findlay Digital Design, we offer personalized service to create an efficient and functional website that furthers your business goals.

We look to the future and work with an end user in mind. What do you need your website to do for you? Who will be making updates? What do you need to best accomplish your objectives? We strive to answer these questions so that updates will be as simple and fast as possible.

Learn more

Our Services

Look what we can do for you

[services img=”1322″ title=”Strategy” description=”His primis omittam intellegat cu, voluptua appetere mea ad, eu harum oporteat vix. Et vel quod legimus, graeci electram ocurreret at his. Vix at tation facete impetus omnesque ius harum antiopam.” link=”#” text_btn=”Learn more”]We will work together to identify your goals and plan how to reach them by creating a digital marketing plan.

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[services img=”1323″ title=”Media” description=”His primis omittam intellegat cu, voluptua appetere mea ad, eu harum oporteat vix. Et vel quod legimus, graeci electram ocurreret at his. Vix at tation facete impetus omnesque ius harum antiopam.” link=”#” text_btn=”Learn more”]We provide additional services to communicate your company’s image and message.

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[services img=”1326″ title=”Web Development” description=”His primis omittam intellegat cu, voluptua appetere mea ad, eu harum oporteat vix. Et vel quod legimus, graeci electram ocurreret at his. Vix at tation facete impetus omnesque ius harum antiopam.” link=”#” text_btn=”Learn more”]We use the latest content management systems available to build your responsive, integrated website.

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[services img=”1325″ title=”Social” description=”His primis omittam intellegat cu, voluptua appetere mea ad, eu harum oporteat vix. Et vel quod legimus, graeci electram ocurreret at his. Vix at tation facete impetus omnesque ius harum antiopam.” link=”#” text_btn=”Learn more”]We create and integrate your social media with your website, so that updates are fast and efficient.

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[services img=”1324″ title=”Content and SEO” description=”His primis omittam intellegat cu, voluptua appetere mea ad, eu harum oporteat vix. Et vel quod legimus, graeci electram ocurreret at his. Vix at tation facete impetus omnesque ius harum antiopam.” link=”#” text_btn=”Learn more”]We offer content editing services to make every page of your website search engine optimized.

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[services img=”1327″ title=”Web Maintenance” description=”His primis omittam intellegat cu, voluptua appetere mea ad, eu harum oporteat vix. Et vel quod legimus, graeci electram ocurreret at his. Vix at tation facete impetus omnesque ius harum antiopam.” link=”#” text_btn=”Learn more”]We work quickly and efficiently to get your website updated and working to its full potential.

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[testimonials_slider 0=””][testimonials_slider_item testimonial_img=”539″ testimonial_content=”His ea case ipsum tollit. Nec principes persecuti ne. Cu vis erat signiferumque. Sit ei porro commodo periculis. Iusto quaerendum pri.” name=”The Arts Partnership” link=”http://artspartnership.com/”]

We love the high energy feel, easy navigation, and customized look of our new website, which really reflects the spirit of our organization. From a back-end perspective, edits are easily made and structure changes are a snap.

[/testimonials_slider_item][testimonials_slider_item testimonial_img=”541″ testimonial_content=”His ea case ipsum tollit. Nec principes persecuti ne. Cu vis erat signiferumque. Sit ei porro commodo periculis. Iusto quaerendum pri.” name=”Courier Bridal” link=”http://courierbridal.com/”]

Findlay Digital Design created EVERYTHING we wanted in our new website. We love the mobile optimization for the busy bride or groom on the move. Not only did they make a beautiful looking website, but the FDD team was able to connect to our existing advertising and form submission databases. Great job!

[/testimonials_slider_item][testimonials_slider_item testimonial_img=”540″ testimonial_content=”His ea case ipsum tollit. Nec principes persecuti ne. Cu vis erat signiferumque. Sit ei porro commodo periculis. Iusto quaerendum pri.” name=”Main Street Deli” link=”http://mainstreetdelifindlay.com/”]

Thank you for making a website that truly fits our style. It is exactly what we wanted without any of the extra fluff. You guys made it so easy and took care of everything for us. The ongoing service of updating our menu and specials has been wonderful and lets us worry about what we do best!

[/testimonials_slider_item][testimonials_slider_item testimonial_img=”538″ testimonial_content=”His ea case ipsum tollit. Nec principes persecuti ne. Cu vis erat signiferumque. Sit ei porro commodo periculis. Iusto quaerendum pri.” name=”WFIN” link=”http://wfin.com/”]

FDD did an awesome job creating our new website! Our website is fast and reliable even during our heavy traffic times. Your team suggested and supplied technical aspects that meet our needs and then some.


Our Team

Meet the Findlay Digital Design team!

Ashley Donaldson
Social Media

Kyle Benner
Web Design/Developer


See the work we’ve done with some of our clients below!

[our_portfolios 0=”” count=”16″]

Contact Us

Ask a question or get a quote:

[client 0=””][client_item cl_time=”0.2s” cl_link=”https://thecourier.com/” cl_image=”1315″ cl_hover=”1311″][client_item cl_time=”0.4s” cl_link=”https://419discover.com/” cl_image=”1319″ cl_hover=”1318″][client_item cl_time=”0.6s” cl_link=”https://reviewtimes.com/” cl_image=”1317″ cl_hover=”1313″][client_item cl_time=”1s” cl_link=”http://socialfindlay.com” cl_image=”990″ cl_hover=”989″][/client]

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